Boycott | Canonical Snap
Snap 的卖点
- 自动化测试与扫描
- 跨发行版可用的软件包
- 节省磁盘空间
- 支持 CLI 程序
为何拒绝 Snap
Slow start-up performance of the Firefox web browser has been a frequent complaint on Ubuntu Linux since Canonical shifted over to using the Snap’ed version of Firefox by default.
– Phoronix
Snap 软件的打开速度通常更糟糕 - 首次打开 LibreOffice 耗时 9.16 秒 (Flatpak 耗时 2.90s), 而在后续多次打开时 Snap 也展现了糟糕的性能
Snap 商店
闭源, 闭源, 还是 &^% 闭源!
Snap 唯一的后端 - Snapcraft
由 Canonical 运营, 完全闭源.
请不要相信商业公司运营的 私有 不透明 后端.
13/5/2023 当天, 有报告称 Snapcraft 商店分发伪装成 systemd daemon
的加密货币挖矿程式. 这些程序还附带了 init 脚本, 以便随系统一同启动:
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Canonical 已将 Ubuntu 上的许多程序 (Chromium, Firefox etc) 替换为 Snap 包, 并在 APT 仓库中发布了一个虚包, 在 post install script 中安装 snap 包.
Clément Lefèbvre (Linux Mint founder and project leader) has written that Snap is biased and has a conflict of interest. The reasons he cited include it being governed by Canonical and locked to their store, and also that Snap works better on Ubuntu than on other distributions. He later announced that the installing of Snap would be blocked by APT in Linux Mint, although a way to disable this restriction would be documented.
– Linux Mint 项目创始人曾经如此评价 (来自 Wikipedia)